Saturday, May 17, 2008

Shut up morning!

Lucas has this book that he likes to have read to him. On one page it says, "Shout out loud: GOOD MORNING SUN! HAPPY MORNING EVERYONE!".

So I was reading it to him last night before bed and after I read that page he said, "Shut up morning!". It took me a second to figure out what he said. He was just trying to repeat the page, but changed "shout" to "shut up" (I can't imagine where he's heard that...). Then I just about fell off the bed laughing! I couldn't stop laughing and then he started laughing. Pretty soon the tears were streaming down my face and I could barely finish the story.

Shut up morning. Yeah, that just about sums it up!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


It was two crazy days of Muffins with Mom, school, a Mother's Day dinner (for my mom), recital, two soccer games, another recital and another Mother's Day dinner (for Jeff's mom) and an astronomy outing. Whew! I'm glad the recital is finally over and we didn't have to wait until the end of June for that to be true this year.
Alyssa was at the very end of the loooong show. I went with Mom and Dad and Brendan (who was pretty good considering how long he had to sit there) on the first night. I "illegally" recorded her number. Unfortunately, the quality is terrible, but maybe you can get the idea. She's on the far left for the first part and then moves over to the far right.

Here's a better picture of her costume, minus the hat and shoes:

She had to leave the hat with the teacher until after the last recital. The boys had some fun with it this morning:

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Mommy time

On Monday, Brendan's kindergarten class had a special "Mommy time" for Mother's Day. We had some desserts and then the kids did a few songs for us. Then we got to watch a DVD his teacher put together. It was so sweet. I just love his teacher, she is always so loving and thoughtful to her students and their families. After watching the DVD, the kids gave each of their moms a plate they had decorated. It was a very nice evening.

Here is one of the songs the kids sang. They were watching the teacher and I was off to the side.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


It's finally spring in Michigan! My absolute favorite time of the year and I'm so glad I don't have allergies!

Some pictures of around our yard in the past week or so:

The pear tree in front of the house. It replaced the ash tree that had to be cut down because of those evil ash boarers. This is the first year that it's bloomed and it's so little and cute!

My flower bed in back of the house. We used to have tulips in there too, but the daffodils have mostly taken over. Some of the hyacinths are still hanging on. Sadly, these flowers are almost done blooming for the year.
Brendan calls our weeping pea tree by the front door the "bee tree" and you can see why! When I went out to take pictures of it, the whole tree was buzzing from these big fat bumblebees.
The golden delicious apple tree is blossoming! We weren't expecting that to happen for a year or two yet (the McIntosh isn't blossoming this year).
I can't wait for my lilac tree to blossom! It looks like there will be lots of flowers on it.