I woke up nice and early on my birthday. This is a trick I use to get Mommy to take me into her bed and give me cuddles. I even went back to sleep while everyone else had to get up and get ready. Ha ha!
After we took the big kids to school, I came home and had my favorite breakfast - yogurt. Only I say it like this: ya-yoke. That sounds much cooler, don't you think?

I love yogurt, but I always make a mess when I eat it, especially now that I'm a big boy and Mommy lets me feed it to myself. That may not sound so bad to some of you, but it really freaks me out when I get food on my hands or face or clothes or the table. Mommy wipes it off, but I don't like that either. Good thing I was still wearing my pajamas so she didn't have to wipe it off them too much.
After breakfast, Mommy had to change my diaper and get me dressed. I don't like that much either, but if I have a book to look at it's not
too bad. Then Mommy tried to get me to do that trick where she holds up two of her fingers. It looks like fun and I try, but I can't quite do it yet.

After Mommy played with the computer for awhile (what
does she do on there all the time?), we went to the grocery store. I love to go bye-bye! I'm very good at the store now. I do like to point out all the babies there to Mommy, especially if they're crying. Sometimes we see really nice people there who like to talk to me and tell me I'm cute. I'm really sneaky, though, and I don't say "Hi" to them until after they leave! While we were at the store I saw a lady and I called her Grandma, even though it wasn't really her. Mommy said I was trying to trick her! When we're almost done with shopping, Mommy gets me a piece of cheese from the deli counter. That's my favorite part! Mommy also bought some cupcakes for me, but I was pretty annoyed that she wouldn't let me eat them right then. I guess we had to pay for them or something.
I must be a really big boy now because I didn't even fall asleep on the way home like I usually do. I know Mommy was really happy that I could run around in the garage and "help" her with the groceries instead of sleeping in my carseat while she put everything away. Mommy finally got all the groceries taken care of (I don't know why it took so long when I was giving her so much help) and then she made us lunch. But I wasn't really interested in eating it, I just wanted to take a nap. So we read some books and I snuggled up with my Elmo doll and took a nap.
Continuing with the "Big Birthday Boy" theme of the day, I took a really short nap. Or it might have had something to do with the loud garbage truck outside waking me up. So we didn't have to leave right away after I woke up to go get the big kids, but I kept trying to get Mommy to go bye-bye anyway. Finally we went to get them. When we came home, Mommy kept working on that super-fun-looking laundry folding. I was in a festive mood, so I did some entertaining.

When Daddy came, we had to hurry up and make dinner so we could go to the soccer games. Daddy cooked hot dogs on the grill because he thought I would like that for my birthday dinner. He should have known that I only eat
corndogs (that's the rule this week anyway - I never tell them!).
So then we had to rush off to the soccer games. I got to go with Mommy and Brendan. We were late as always. I'm sure it has nothing to do with Mommy having to push me in my stroller over the grass for about a mile. She even made me sit in the stroller for about half the game! I made the best of it by cheering for my big brother - "Go Bren-bren!" - because he was playing so well! In my professional spectator opinion, he's much improved over last season.
Mommy finally got me out of the stroller so I could kick the ball around a little. But then I got a bad stomachache and that was not fun. Good thing it was close to the end of the game. I did have to ride in the stroller all the way back to the car and get my diaper changed in the back. That wasn't too enjoyable, especially since it was cold and windy. Mommy decided it would probably be a good idea to skip the trip out for ice cream she was planning and just go home. Oh well, maybe next time.
Even though it was after my bedtime when we got home, I still got some cake! I even got to blow out some candles - that was so fun!


Then I had to take a quick bath and get ready for bed because it was so late. But I talked about "cake", "cang-gos", and "bro" (that would be "candles" and "blow" for you non-two-year-old speakers) the whole time because it was so cool.
Thank you for reading about my birthday!