Friday, February 16, 2007

Sometimes I wish I couldn't do math

Brendan is in preschool. Preschool costs money. Specifically, in his case, $120 per month. He goes three days per week and he's there for two and a half hours each time. His preschool program is run by our school district, so their calendar is the same as the regular school calendar.

February is a short month, not only because it has less days than the other months, but also because our school district takes a week-long mid-winter break in February. So he misses out on three days there. The week at the end of January and beginning of February was set aside for preschool conferences and there were no preschool classes during that week. One day of February missed there. Then school was cancelled for two days (for him, actually three days for the regular school kids) because of the weather, one day for extreme cold and one day for snow. And one day his class went on a field trip.

As long nothing happens to the last two remaining days that he should be in school in February, he will have been at school for five days this month. That's $24 for each day and $9.60 for each hour. I think the school owes me a refund.


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