Take me out to the ballgame...
Finally, finally, finally, I've gotten to see the Tigers at Comerica Park! Such a great way to spend Labor Day! Jeff, Alyssa, Brendan, my dad and I got to see the Tigers and Mariners while Mom stayed home with Lucas and watched the game on TV.
Here are my Tiger fans before we left for the game:

Alyssa made a great sign to take to the game (a lady sitting in front of us even complemented her on it!):
We pigged out on lots of junk food - hot dogs, nachos, peanuts, popcorn and of course cotton candy:
After the game (which the Tigers won 6-2, yay!), the kids got to run the bases. How cool is that? It was a long line, but once the game was over it moved quickly.
We're on the field at Comerica Park! See that section two to the left of the yellow foul pole? That's where our seats were, about 15 rows from the top. We were far away, but we could see everything and I thought they were great seats.
There they go!
It was too hard to get pictures of them actually running as we were all hurrying to meet them after they crossed home plate. Alyssa assured me she touched all the bases and I think Brendan was just trying not to get run over!
Alyssa after she crossed home plate:
And Brendan, one tired base-runner:
After all the excitement and just before heading home:
They were giving away Curtis Granderson T-shirts to the kids at the game, so Alyssa and Brendan modeled them for me when we got home:
And so ends the summer, it was a pretty good one....
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