What's worse than taking a tiny baby in for his shots?
Taking that tiny baby and his 4 year old brother in for their shots at the same time.
I always hear people saying how terrible it is to see their babies get shots - how the babies cry and the moms cry. While I don't like it one bit, for me it's way easier to subject the baby to the shots than a bigger kid. The baby doesn't know what's coming and won't remember it later.
This morning over Cap'n Crunch, I broke the news to Brendan that he would have to see the doctor and have shots today. His first response was a typical one of late: "NO!" So then I pulled out my secret weapon - bribery! I told him he could have whatever treat he wanted if he was a brave boy about the shots (not that he couldn't cry, because it would hurt). I provided him with a few suggestions and he chose to go out for ice cream.
So the time came and he was very brave about it. They had to poke his finger for a hemoglobin check. That was okay. Then a big needle came out to do a TB test on his arm. Still not much distress. But the worst part is forcing him to lie down on the table while the nurse jabbed him three times. I know part of what makes it so bad is being held down like that and not being able to see what they're doing to you. He did cry a little and begged her to stop (that was the worst part for me). And then after she was done and had put on some band-aids, he sat and sobbed and was scared to put his clothes back on because it might hurt more.
Jeff helped him into his clothes while I got to hold Lucas down for his five(!) shots. I was looking right into his eyes every time a needle went in and watched them open soooo wide before he started screaming.
And then it was over. Brendan was already over it. Lucas fussed a little bit while Jeff got him dressed.
I kept offering Brendan Motrin for the pain I was sure his leg was in. But he kept saying he was fine and he does seem to be. He got his ice cream after dinner.
Lucas, on the other hand, isn't taking it so well. I gave him Tylenol in the doctor's office, even though I didn't really think he would need it. Well, apparently he did because when it wore off he was screaming in pain. Every time his little leg was bumped or touched or he tried to move it, he screamed louder even though that didn't seem possible. Finally the next dose of Tylenol kicked in, but I have a feeling it's going to be a long night.
I guess I had all my worries focused on the wrong boy after all.
My brave boys with all their band-aids. Brendan wore those shades to the doctor's too. And he loves that helmet!

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