Welcome Lucas!

He arrived on April 15 at 7:25 a.m. via c-section. I'm not too happy that he was born on tax day, but what are ya gonna do? I'm also not happy that I had to have yet another c-section. But no one wanted anything bad to happen, so it's all good, I guess. What's not good is having to still hobble around and be in pain almost 3 weeks out. Bleh.
He weighed in at 7 lbs, 8 oz which makes him my biggest newborn. We're taking him in tomorrow for a check-up and I hope that Mommy milk is making him gain lots of weight.
Some facts about Lucas at almost 3 weeks old:
- Hates the car seat! Screams bloody murder whenever he is buckled in.

- Must not be put down ever. Will result in waking within 5 minutes.
- Looks exactly like his big brother as a newborn.
Alyssa loves him and always wants to hold him (until he starts crying, that is). Brendan could really care less about him, unless Alyssa is paying attention to him. He will help me during the day though if I ask him to, so I can't complain too much about his non-interest.
Alyssa came up with the funniest name for the vibrating bouncy chair - the bumbler. I don't know why but that cracks me up whenever I think about it.