Happy Birthday Brendan!

Okay, okay, I'm a bad mommy - his birthday was actually 3 days ago. But we were too busy partying and having fun for me to blog anyway!
His party turned out pretty nice. I thought just Mom and Dad were coming, but they also brought Grandma which was a nice surprise. And Bill, Charisse and Amber all came together. The kids love playing with Amber and it's always nice for me to get a chance to chat with Charisse. We had presents, lunch and of course, cake and ice cream. And best of all (to me anyway) was no baby brother showing up to steal his thunder!
Then yesterday was his day to be the "special person" in his nursery school class. We made cupcakes and he and Alyssa decorated them with sprinkles. One of the perks of being the special person is being first in line for anything that requires lining up - going to a different room, washing hands, etc. And that includes at the end of class, leaving the classroom. So I was waiting in the hall, kind of off to the side because I had all the leftover snack stuff, and who should run out into the hall first but another little boy. And then here comes poor, sobbing Brendan because he didn't get to be first when the other boy ran out in front of him. The poor kid cried on my shoulder until after everyone else was gone. I felt so bad for him! Especially since I know he would never dream of breaking the rules and running out when it wasn't his turn. So that's what he gets for being a good kid - someone else tromping all over him and his feelings. Oh man, I'm feeling sad all over again (but he's certainly over it). Anyway, he made such a spectical of himself, that I'm sure the offending kid's mom took notice. I don't think he's a bad kid, just an impulsive 3 or 4 year old. I wonder if she'll say anything about it next time. Probably not, but I wouldn't be surprised, she seems nice. Ah well, it's over with anyway....
Have a great time being 4, little buddy!