Saturday, November 24, 2007

Crazy Snapdragons

Whoa, long time, no blog! Things have been pretty busy around here. As if Christmas shopping season isn't busy! I've had lots of things to say, but not enough time or opportunity to type them out and now they're gone from my brain forever.

But today, I give you crazy snapdragons:

After I took this picture today, I realized it's kind of hard to tell, but there are pinkish-purple and yellow snapdragons in there, among leaves that recently turned color and fell off our bushes by the front walk. The reason those leaves are there is because it's the end of November, almost winter. And it's cold - highs in the thirties, at night it gets down to the low twenties or teens. But those snapdragons are still going strong! We never even planted them in the first place. A year (or maybe two?) ago, Jeff set a pot down in about that spot that had snapdragons in it. Ever since, they've been spreading. They're all in amongst our bushes between the walk and the wall to the garage. Some of them have even jumped the walk and are starting in on the other side. I don't mind, I like them there. But it sure is strange to get all bundled up to go get the mail and see those flowers still blooming.


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