Not a good car day
This morning I was laying in bed trying to get back to sleep at 6 a.m. after Jeff left for work. Except he didn't leave. A few minutes later he came back into the bedroom and informed me his car wouldn't start. I went out to the garage with him and watched him jump start it with my car. We were figuring his battery was on borrowed time anyway, so not a big surprise.
He started working from home waiting for the Walmart service center to open at 8 so he could take it there. About 8:15, after another jump start and he was off. He called me from Walmart saying the wait was 2.5 hours before they could even look at it and he was going on to Sears.
Alyssa had swimming lessons at 10. Taking Lucas is not fun, so Jeff decided to come back home, watch him for me and then take my car (just in case) to work. He had a meeting he had to be at at 1 and he had to be back home to leave for Alyssa's dance recital at 4:45.
Ahh yes, the dance recital. Possibly Jeff's most hated day of the year. Today was his day to take her and for me to stay home with the boys (my turn tomorrow). Here's the pretty dance girl:

He took my car (again, just in case). A few minutes after he left, he called me to tell me the airbag light had come on, he called OnStar, they ran a diagnostic (I have to admit, that's kind of cool!) and determined the front airbags were not functional so they made him an appointment at the dealership for 7:30 tomorrow morning. Looks like I will be without my car again tomorrow. They promised they wouldn't keep it past about 3 because I have to have it back to go to the recital again.
Hey, maybe all this bad car stuff is all because of the recital? I bet I could convince Jeff of that theory!
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