Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A special knitting entry

This blog is mostly about my kids and the things they do. But one of my favorite things to do is knit, so I will now answer the following meme from my friend Joyce:

#1 Is it about the finished item or about the process of knitting? Some of both? Has your focus changed one direction or the other over time? I'd have to say some of both. I want the finished project and I want to get it done as soon as possible because I have lots of things I want to do and not a lot of time. But I do very much enjoy the process.

#2 How do you view mistakes? Do you think they give your project character? Is it important to have one, as my Aunt says, because only God is perfect? Or would you rip all the way back to row 5 of your husband's finished sweater knit on size 3 needles to eradicate a mistake no one else would notice? I hate mistakes! I don't want any! My problem is, I'm not good at fixing them. So I either start over (which I've done many, many times), live with it (rarely) or fix it the best I can even if it's not completely right (I do this sometimes).

#3 Would you rather knit a project that is comfortable for your skill level, or do you prefer a challenge that requires you to figure out new things? Oh, I love a challenge! I get bored if it's too easy. I love to try new things and have taught myself lots of things with books and by watching videos online.

#4 What is something you really want to make but haven't yet? What holds you back? Is it money, skill level, time, fear of the unknown or something else? I want to do something with cables. I'm all ready, have all the supplies and pattern picked out, I just have too many other projects going right now to start something new (and the needles I need are busy). I would also like to do bigger projects like sweaters with really nice yarn, but money holds me back there as well as time.

And just because I like pictures, here are a few recent (since the beginning of the year) finished projects:

Afghan wedding present for my cousin.

Jaywalker socks for me.

Alyssa's slippers before and after felting.

Hat and sweater for my baby nephew.

My slippers before and after felting.


At 5:53 PM, Blogger joyce said...

you are so totally awesome. i love all of your knitting!

what pattern did you use for the clogs? they look fabulous, and i would love it if you would coddle me through making a pair for teddy to take to school with him!


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